Articles: "What's All this about Money?" | Tithing & Breast-Feeding" | "Marijuana & Money" | "Being Planted
| "Married to Church" |
"Once saved, Always Saved??" |
"Four Works Needed to Go to Heaven"
See also: "Do I Have to Keep the Sabbath Day? Why?"
WHY can't I worship God in the comfort of my home, enjoying the best of Christian TV?
WHY can't I just enjoy being alone out in the woods---just God and I? Do I need church?
- I need church because it's a FAMILY REUNION. Jesus said, "Who is MY family?
Those who do My will" (see Mark 3:33,35). We are a family---rejoicing with one
another, crying with one another, helping each other. We need each other's support.
This support can only be accomplished through close and frequent communication.
We're on an extended course of study. For the rest of our lives we have enrolled in a
program of Christian discipleship. Each week builds on the one before.
- I need church because it's a REFUGE. The sanctuary is a place to get away from the
busyness of the world. It's a mini-retreat. It's a place to focus my thoughts on things
above, to worship.
- I need church because it's like a BILLBOARD. As my neighbors see me go down to that
building on the corner week after week, they can tell what is important in my life. If all
my brothers and sisters are there too, the neighbors may wonder what is going on that
attracts people so regularly. I can also by my example show young believers and new
members the importance of regular attendance. It shows that I support the pastor.
- I need church because it is like a MEMORIAL SERVICE. Imagine that I had been in a
war and one of my buddies threw himself on an enemy hand grenade to save me---and it
killed him. Suppose I learned there was to be a memorial service for him in my
hometown. Would I be there? Of course!
And since Jesus died for me, it's to honor Him that I attend His memorial service. It's
to honor Him that I remember His death by taking communion.
- I need church because it's a VICTORY CELEBRATION. Jesus left an empty tomb. We
can celebrate His resurrection together. At least one day a week should be set aside for
remembering Jesus' triumph over death and over Satan.
- I need church because it's a TIME to spend WITH my FATHER. I'm a child of God. He
delights in spending time with me, and I want to be with Him. God wants to reveal His
plans to me---and I want to get in on the details, to cooperate with Him.
But He is not only my Father; He is OUR Father---and Christ is OUR Savior. God
has warned us not to forsake gathering with other believers (Heb. 10:25)
- I need church in order to be a MEMBER IN A fully functioning BODY. Where two or
three are gathered in Jesus' name, He is in the midst; this constitutes a fellowship or
home meeting, but a BODY is composed of more than three members.---The church is a
- I need church because GOD COMMANDS IT and my conscience demands it.
"... Turn away thy foot ... from doing thy [own] pleasure on My Holy Day; and call
the Sabbath a delight, the Holy of the Lord, honourable; and [thou] shalt honour
Him, not doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor speaking thine
own words." [Isaiah 58:13]
- I need church because it is a SPIRITUAL 'HOSPITAL'. In this environment there is
salvation, healing, and deliverance. The church meetings re-charge my spiritual battery.
- I NEED CHURCH because I am part of a family. I have lots to learn about what it
means to be a disciple. I need to have a retreat. I know my priorities and want to set a
good example to others both within and outside the church. I respect Christ's death and
am overjoyed by His resurrection. I want to spend time with my Father and other
believers. There is a vital role to fulfill in a body that is incomplete without me. I want to
obey God. I know a place where people can be saved, healed, and set free!!
See also: "Being Married to Your Local Church" | "Planted People" | "Once saved, Always Saved?: The Eternal Security Dilemma" |
"4 Kinds of Works Needed to Go to Heaven" | "Tithing: Righteous Action, Older than the Law!"
See also: "Do I Have to Keep the Sabbath Day? Why?"