"Tithing & Stewardship" | "What's All this about Money?" | "Tithing & Breast-Feeding" | Why do I Need Church? EZEKIELWAR dot COM: TITHING$$Money & Marijuana??What do the two things have in common other than their color??Certain drugs, including **MARIJUANA, have a unique characteristic that other drugs such as alcohol do not share.
The Analogy is This:Tithing, or the lack thereof, carries a spiritual dynamic with it: blessings and cursings. Some people "tithe" on their net income (i.e. after taxes & deductions). Ten percent of your net income does NOT meet the definition of the tithe. Tithe means "tenth", or more particularly, a tenth of your gross income. If a person "tithes" 9½ percent, HE IS STILL UNDER THE CURSE; the 9½ is of NO EFFECT. It may benefit the church, but it does NOT please God, nor benefit the giver.On the other hand, the SURPLUS over ten percent IS NOT A TITHE--it is an offering. GOD ONLY REQUIRES TEN PERCENT!! YOU DON'T OFFER TO GIVE TITHES---YOU OWE THEM!! There is a parallel in Exodus 38:26 in which God asked the people for redemption money of one half a shekel per individual: Each person over a certain age was to bring approximately 88 cents (some scholars say 15 cents) to the sanctuary. Those who brought less were cut off from God's people. It was FORBIDDEN for rich people to bring MORE than a half-shekel. ONLY an AFFORDABLE minimum was required or allowed. Somewhat like tithes, the silver half-shekels were used in the building of the sanctuary. Although this "half a shekel" of redemption money is not a tithe, the idea is that God requires a MINIMUM. Not meeting the EASILY obtainable minimum carries with it a CURSE.
Any NATURAL carnal man can give 9%. !When you give 10% you cross over the line into the SUPERNATURAL realm! ?Does that mean that an unsaved man can be blessed by tithing? Possibly, but the main point is: !YOU as a born-again Christian CAN be blessed by becoming involved in this Bible principle!
God does not ask you to do that which you are unable to do by His grace. Jesus said, "My yoke is easy, and My burden is light."
--was the fact that AT LEAST THEY TITHED (Matt. 23:23). He added that they had omitted the weightier things. One thing Jesus is saying here is that TITHING IS A BASIC FOUNDATIONAL CONCEPT that anyone in the Kingdom of God is able to do. We should then move on to the weightier things without ever outgrowing the BASICS of tithing, or leaving it "undone".
It is something that springs forth from having Jesus, the Lord our Righteousness (Jehovah Tsidkenu) within our heart. Abraham tithed to the priest, Melchisedec (king of righteousness). RIGHTEOUSNESS was reckoned unto him for his faith in God's PROVISION. NOTICE--Tithing did not make Abraham righteous! He tithed because he was ALREADY righteous!!!!How much more sensible it is that we should reverently tithe to the Lord our Righteousness, the Lord Jesus Christ!! We are talking about New Testament doctrine (Hebrews 7), not just the Old Testament alone. !The New Testament says that the Law is good!Tithing which was before the Law (Abraham came before Moses) is such a good idea that God chose to include tithing in the Law. When Christ dwells within, we fulfill the law. ?HOW??--BECAUSE JESUS KEPT THE LAW. He didn't come to break the law, or to destroy the law, or to eliminate the law. The Law-Maker is not a hypocritical "law-breaker." The verse that says that Jesus Christ is the "end" of the law--means that Jesus was the purpose of the law, and Jesus is the 'performance or performer' of the law.
?Have you ever met a rebel who actively teaches against tithing?
An individual is in reality CONVICTED to tithe, NOT LED. <>FOR EXAMPLE: If God were to convict you to take out the garbage, you know that the garbage must be taken out in the future day by day, NOT just when you 'feel a leading'. <>Those who say they must be 'led to tithe' are saying in essence that they give only on EMOTIONAL IMPULSES.
<>You don't always feel like going to work or paying your debts, but you do it anyway. <>At your job you both work and are payed according to a schedule, therefore, you should systematically release 10% of your salary back unto the Lord Who blessed you with employment. <>You maintain your home finances in an orderly timely fashion based on this steady cash flow. The maintenance of God's house should be no less organized. Let's test the 'emotional' giving theory to see if it can equal the tithe:Let's say that a man makes $400/week. About once a month, when everything is looking 'rosy' he has an emotional impulse to throw $100 into the offering. Admittedly, $100 is a lot of money to some people, myself included. He has an impression that he has sacrificed a lot, but tithing is not a sacrifice, it is a DEBT.) At the year's end, he will have given a total of 12 x $100 = $1,200. !!However, if he had tithed the proper $40/week, the year-end total would be 52 x $40 = $2,080 !!!!!WHAT A DIFFERENCE!! --You can see the superiority of disciplined tithing, compared to emotional giving.False teachers who themselves do NOT so much as even GIVE A DIME say:---that we should NOT talk about tithing, because God requires 100% from us anyway. (Such a stance is a manifestation of "false humility".) My question to them is:If God requires everything, why do they then get so angry at men who stand behind pulpits preaching that God only requires a mere 10% ? Some folks say that the preacher ought not to know how much the people tithe--based on Matt. 6:3: "Let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:" WRONG!!That verse is talking about ALMS. Read the continuation in verse 4: "That thine alms may be in secret ..." Alms are offerings, not tithes. It is a minister's DUTY to preach about tithing because:
There are no other reasons for not tithing, and the three above are INVALID.#1 and #2 are ELIMINATED by sound preaching and Bible study.A person who has a problem with #3 has a BIGGER problem than the curse in Malachi 3:9. Sorcerers and idolaters will suffer a fiery fate.The following word may be 'offensive,' but here goes----<>!!A person who is not faithful in a little cannot be trusted in much!! <>!!A man that is a poor steward with his own money is not fit to be a steward over other people's money!! <>!!Those who don't tithe are excellent future candidates for the "MARK OF THE BEAST". You can't buy or sell without this mark. Those that take the mark trust in money, not God! They love the Devil; they don't love the Lord Jesus Christ. Get your finances fixed while you still can. We are not guaranteed tomorrow. Walk in the LIGHT, while there is yet LIGHT!! You say that you have financial problems? God has the solution.!!TITHING will get you out of the RED and into the BLACK quickly!! |
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