The Misunderstood Apostle (Part 3)Character of Christ>humility>submission>authorityby Apostle Randy Muse | Critic writes back: > You must be confusing me with someone else. I never refer to myself as a saint. I don't know what you are referring to here. > And you wrote, "And what about those who call themselves "Reverend", meaning "someone worthy of reverence"? We tolerate the titles of men that inflate themselves to be worthy of reverence, but we scorn those who use titles that only say they have been genuinely sent." > I have written and preached on the difference between clergy who want to be thought of as
"Reverend" instead of "pastor" or "minister"---the first to receive acclaim, the latter to serve. So
you are right. I don't see much difference between those who want to be reverenced and those
who want to wear a title. In my church and community, I call myself by my first name. Until
people ask, I don't usually even mention that I am the minister. <
Reply: Of course my address was not to you specifically concerning everything I was discussing. I thought I made it obvious that I was making a generalization to various issues that many "ministers" observe, like the title "worthy of reverence; Reverend". I know of no instance where you referred to yourself as such. But its okay to use that title in many churches and is more widely accepted than the term apostle. In referring to yourself as a Saint I was making an assumption and a generalization as we are all actually Saints of God if we believe in the Bible. If we refer not to ourselves as Saints how then can we claim to be Born Again? [The Scriptures call us saints over 100 times.] Phil 4:21 Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren who are with me greet you. (NKJ) I am not condemning you in any way. Only making a point of discussion. I know that too many of us may never agree on too many things until the Body of Christ becomes more united. I am sorry for those false apostles you met. I pray that we will both maintain love in the Spirit regardless of our differences. As I recently told a Pastor on the list, I am sure there are more things we agree upon regarding the essentials of salvation than disagree. ========================================================= > Aren't you a self-appointed apostle? <
NO. I am as recognized and commissioned in my Gift as any Pastor. Called by God but recognized and confirmed by the Church. My ministry is a legal entity like any other Church. The authenticity of any ministry gift is in the results it produces. Good trees cannot produce evil results. False apostles cannot produce genuine righteousness in others. In what way have I refrained from upholding God's standard of righteousness to the Body of Christ? ========================================================= > Don't you claim that your appointment is from God? <
Don't all true ministers of the Gospel??? Who should I claim my appointment is from? Men? The World's system? ========================================================= > Don't you like to wear the title of Apostle? <
NO. I find that I am more persecuted for using it then if I don't. Paul referred to himself as an apostle in almost every letter he wrote(Hebrews???). Most references are made by an apostle to the ministry of the apostle where it is most widely rejected or contended. The authenticity of Paul's call to be an Apostle was fought against the most, coincidentally, he used his TITLE the most in his epistles and was used the most by God to write New Testament Scripture, in spite of (or partly because of ???) the fact that almost every letter of his puts his title (lists his authority) in first mention on every greeting to those he writes to. Did God use someone who lacked humility to write 2/3 of the Churches doctrine??? In fact, Paul would have been less persecuted if he bowed down to others who denied his claim of true Apostleship and if he would only have compromised and just referred to himself as Brother Paul. I am only a voice for the Apostolic Move of God presently on the earth. ========================================================= > Don't you like to be seen as having an apostle's authority? <
I don't care what kind of authority people think I have. The only authority I have is the authority of Jesus Christ to operate in the Gift He has called me to. We all have Christ's authority if we are obedient to our Call. Is there any authority higher than the authority every Christian has to stand for who they are in the Name of Jesus??? ========================================================= > Don't you argue that the apostolic office is Biblical? <
Isn't it in the Bible??? Isn't the Bible for today??? ========================================================= > You mention that there are "30+" apostles mentioned in the Bible. I would be interested in your scripture references for these 31 or more. < =========================================================
Matthias (Acts 1:26); Paul (1 Cor. 15:8); James, the brother of Jesus (Gal.1:19); Barnabas (Acts
14:3,4,14); Apollos (1 Cor. 4:6-9); Timothy (Acts 19:22; 1 Thess. 1:1; 2:6); Titus (2 Cor. 8:23,
where "messenger" is"apostolos"); Silas or Silvanus (Acts 15:22; 1 Thess. 1:1; 2:6); Tychicus (2
Tim. 4:12) Judas (Acts 15:22; 1 Thess. 2:6); Andronicus (Rom. 16:7); Junias (Rom 16:7);
Epaphroditus (Phil. 2:25); Erastus (Acts 19:22); and two unnamed apostles (2 Cor. 8:23); plus
the 12 (Matt 10:2-4)
Paul introduces himself as an apostle frequently, prefacing his letters as such:
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