Multiplied Blessings and Grace be to you from God the Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Today I want to begin discussing with you more about my Apostleship and
my God-given desire to have more sons in the ministry, working along side
you, so that there will be no misunderstandings about what GOD is doing among
you through my Apostleship and Covenant father relationship toward you all.
I am going to use the Scriptures, which are the Final Authority, to show you why
I must continue to do what I am doing, and why the Spirit of God must continue
to do what He is doing through my spirit and my Apostleship, in Jesus' Name.
I have wanted to go on to other subjects in my writings to you to show you
that I am very able to teach you about many other deep things concerning
Salvation in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but the Holy Spirit keeps
impressing upon me to keep pouring understanding of the Apostle's ministry
deep into your spirits. The reason why the Holy Spirit keeps impressing upon
me to keep pouring these Truths into you is because God is making you into an
Apostolic People. While not all who listen to my message are chosen by God to
occupy the Office of an Apostle, it is equally true that God is calling the
entire Body of Christ to become an Apostolic People who will abide under the
Doctrine of the Apostles and will remain faithful to their Covenant fathers,
and will not leave them until God has completed sonship within them. Once
sonship is completed, the Apostle will still remain their Covenant father, but
the Spirit of God will allow access into greater arenas of the spirit realm to
rule over the powers and principalities of darkness, to those who remain in
submission to their Covenant fathers and do not go out into their own
ministries until the appointed time. An example would be like if someone among
you rises up with the Gift of a Pastor, you do not go out and start your own
ministry and start building your own congregation for the Lord, until you have
the full approval of your Covenant father. This is because God has equipped
Covenant fathers with the ability to fully train and equip the son, and to
know when is the proper time to send him or her out in ministry to fight the
Devil and the demons on their own, with the Apostle's FULL Covenant Blessing.
Those who go out and start their own ministries prematurely are like a child
who is born before pregnancy comes to the full nine-month term. The baby that is
born too prematurely will have a greater risk of losing its life. In the same
way, many who have gone out into ministry on their own too soon have caused
destruction to many people, because they were not strong enough to equip their
people to maintain constant victory, and after Satan's many attacks the
ministry eventually can fail.
1 Timothy 1:1 states that Paul was "an Apostle of Jesus Christ by the
commandment of God." If the Apostles are Apostles by commandment, to minister
to the Body of Christ, then it is equally true that the Body of Christ is
under commandment first of all to accept the Apostles' ministry, and secondly
to become an Apostolic People for our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. An
Evangelist will give you equipment in the Spirit to evangelize the lost, a
Teacher will equip you in the Spirit to teach others, a Prophet will enable
"your sons and daughters" to "prophesy" (Acts 2:18), a Pastor will equip you
to shepherd your own soul first, and then to lead and protect others in a
deeper walk with their Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, but the Apostle will
equip you with the Greatest Grace of God and the Greatest Anointing of God the
Body of Christ could ever hope to receive through any other ministry Gift in
the Body of Christ on Earth today! An Apostle will equip the Body of Christ
with Apostolic abilities. The Apostle's Anointing will first of all enable you
to receive the depths of his or her knowledge deep within your own spirit
through his or her own spirit of understanding. So the Apostles will not only
teach great truths, but they will enable you to take those great truths and
make them your own, so that you can walk in Apostolic POWER, and wisdom, and
1 Corinthians 1:23-24 states that the Apostles "preach Christ
crucified...Christ the power of God, and the wisdom of God." When the Apostles
preach the Gospel, they preach and teach in a full demonstration of the power
and wisdom of God. This also means that the POWER and WISDOM of God come first
from the Apostle's ministry. On the Day of Pentecost, when the Holy Spirit had
first been poured out in this Pentecostal Demonstration of God's Apostolic
POWER after the Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ, the first one to preach
and demonstrate God's wisdom and POWER was the Apostle Peter, who stood up
with the other 11 Apostles (Acts 2:14) and the result was that about 3,000
souls were added to the Kingdom. In this demonstration of POWER through the
Apostles' ministry on the Day of Pentecost, God was also teaching us that the
Apostle's ministry is also Anointed to be the strongest demonstration of POWER
to defend the True Gospel of our Precious Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. When
the Body of Christ is having its faith attacked, then the Apostles will rise
up in their greatest boldness, even risking their own lives, to protect God's
Sheep. The people were mocking the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the way
He was manifesting Himself on the Day of Pentecost. They began to say that the
Saints were drunk with wine. And just at that moment is when the Apostle
became very bold. The man who denied Jesus about a month and a half ago, was
now standing in the full demonstration of the POWER of the Gospel, as a True
Living Apostle.
It is very important for all of you to understand why the Apostle's wisdom and
power are so important to the Body of Christ. Apostles are Covenant fathers.
This means that God has equipped them with the ability to take Children of God
and babes in Christ, and turn them into sons and daughters. To be a son and
daughter means to outgrow childish things and to become full grown men and
women of God.
1 Corinthians 4:15 says that even "though you might have ten thousand
instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers." The Greek word used
in this verse that is translated "INSTRUCTORS" is "paidagogos". This means
that this type of instructor is a guardian and a guide of boys. He is not an
instructor of men, but of boys. That word in the Greek literally means "a boy
leader". This word was used to describe a servant whose office it was to take
the children to school. The Apostle Paul contrasts the difference between a boy
leader and a father, or an Apostle who has become your Covenant father.
Without the Apostles' ministry, the Body of Christ will never receive the
fullness of the wisdom and power of God necessary to become FULL GROWN sons
and daughters of God. I have heard some of you speak of my maturity of
teaching. This is because God has equipped me with the ability to be a
Covenant father who preaches father truths. There are many instructors in the
Body of Christ today who are teaching the Body of Christ vital truths, but
these truths do not have the Apostolic ability to cause Believers to inherit
the fullness of their Blessing. These are boy leaders teachings boy truths to
children. I am not putting down their ability to teach, and I am certainly not
putting down the Truths they have learned and teach others, but I want to tell
you that many are boy leaders or boy instructors in the Body of Christ, even
some Pastors are boy leaders teaching children of God truths that will never
enable them to fully know God and become full grown sons and daughters, and
many are in this condition today, not because they are not able to teach
father truths, but because they refuse to come into covenant relationship with
the Apostles. Many are boy leaders teaching boy truths because they don't even
believe in the ministry of a chief father in the Body of Christ, which is the
Apostle. So I do not speak to shame those who are boy leaders who don't
understand or know the Apostles' ministry, but I do speak to shame those who do
understand the Apostles' ministry who refuse to come into Covenant Relationship
with one. And there are some Pastors who will have congregations full of
children because they will simply refuse to believe in the Apostles' ministries
in these last days.
I want to instruct you, brothers and sisters, and let you know that it takes
more than children working to destroy the works of the Devil! It takes more
than boy leader truths to resist the Devil and to make him flee or run away in
I want to tell you about a dream that a dear Brother in Christ had and told me
about today. In his dream, my wife and I were living with him and his wife in
a house together. In his dream he heard someone pounding very loudly on the
door. In his spirit he knew that this pounding meant that someone evil was
trying to get in to do some evil work. He told me to go see who it is, but in
the dream I told him to. He went to the door and saw that it was the Devil
himself pounding on the door. All of a sudden he started to rebuke the Devil
in Jesus' name, but fear stopped him. Then he saw me pleading the blood of
Jesus and quoting Scriptures to attack the Devil. All of a sudden the door was
blasted open against the Devil by the power in my words and the Devil
immediately ran away in terror. And then this precious Brother became very
bold, and he and I went chasing after the demons and looking for them, because
they were hiding in terror.
Even in my precious brother's dream, Satan is terrified of the character in my
spirit and my Anointing. My spirit and my anointing assisted that brother
during this demonic attack while he was sleeping. Satan is afraid of the
Apostolic father truths that are within me, but he is even more afraid of you
getting my father truths in your spirit, because he knows that your words will
have my spirit and my anointing in them and you will make him run away in
terror! You will chase after him and his demons, and he will hide from you!
So, as I am your Covenant father, you will not be boy instructors or
instructors of children teaching children truths, but as an Apostolic Anointed
People you will all possess my spirit and you will all be able to instruct
others with the power of father truths which are able to equip others with the
ability to become full grown sons and daughters of God who will inherit the
Fullness of the Apostolic Anointing, in Jesus' Mighty Name. Jesus is the Son
of God, not the Child of God! Jesus was a fully matured Son equipped with
father Truths. Hebrews 3:1 says that He is the Apostolic High Priest. The
Apostles are High Priests as Christ and Aaron in the Old Testament, but all
believers are Priests and Kings, and my Anointing is enabling you all to
become Apostolic Priests and Apostolic Kings who will gain their full
inheritance in Christ Jesus.
The word used in the Greek for father is "pater". One theological handbook
defines "pater" as the "generator (meaning source of power) or male ancestor:
the founder of a race or tribe". Blood of Jesus Ministries is a tribe in
spiritual terminology, progenitor of a people, a forefather: so Abraham is
called, Jacob and David; fathers, that is, ancestors, forefathers, founders of
a race; one advanced in years, a senior: the originator and transmitter of
anything --
1) the authors of a family or society of persons animated by the same spirit
as himself
2) one who has infused his own spirit into others, who actuates and governs
their minds
b) one who stands in a father's place and looks after another in a
paternal way (Jesus was the Covenant Father who sent Apostles or
other Covenant fathers to stand in His place to look after the Body of Christ
in a paternal way)
c) a title of honor
1) teachers, as those to whom pupils trace back the knowledge and training
they have received
2) the members of the Sanhedrin, whose prerogative it was by virtue of the
wisdom and experience in which they excelled, to take charge of the interests
of others
3) God is called the Father: by Jesus Christ Himself and by the apostles
John 1:12-13 states that "as many as received Him, to them gave He the right
to become children of God, (even) to them that believe on His name: who were
born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but
of God." I am sure now you can see why it is so vital for me to expand my
ministry and allow other sons into the Family of Blood of Jesus Ministries. My
sons are those who are chosen not by blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor
of the will of man, but of God, to become full grown sons and daughters, who
will in turn equip and train others to become full grown sons and daughters
who will have my spirit and will be able to teach these father truths, so that
Ephesians 4:11-16 can be fully realized and achieved by the Body of Christ,
through the spirit of all True Apostles in these last days. What John 1:12-13
means to the Body of Christ today and how it relates to the Apostles' ministry
is just this. That as many as receive me as their Apostle and Covenant father,
and agree to abide under my doctrines, as long as they will live peaceably and
assist with my sons in the ministry already, to them I give the right, the
authority, and the power of God to become my sons and daughters. The Scripture
says it is to them that believe on his name, meaning that this Covenant Right
is available to all who believe on the name of my Apostleship in Christ Jesus.
And the reason why I will accept them is explained in verse 13. Because these
sons and daughters are birthed into my Apostleship not by the will of flesh
(not by carnal or human natural desires), and not because men have chosen for
this Covenant Relationship to take place, but because their birthing into my
Apostleship is ordained and chosen by God.
"As many as received him, to them gave He the right to become children of God,
(even) to them that believe on His name: who were born, not of blood, nor of
the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God."
You must all expand your spirits with me to receive AS MANY as will receive my
Apostleship, AS MANY as desire True and Peaceful Covenant Relationship, AS
MANY as will join hands with us and war against the powers of darkness in
America and all around the World. When you expand your spirits
with willingness to receive them, this makes room in the spirit realm for
God's purpose to birth them into my Anointing and Apostleship, and into
fellowship together with you, so that we can all combine our Anointings in one
accord and storm the Gates of Hell, destroying the works of the Devil
EVERYWHERE, in Jesus' Mighty Name.
"Therefore, my dear brothers, stand firm (stay constantly focused on what God
is doing through my Apostleship toward you). Let nothing move you. Always give
yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in
the Lord is not in vain." [1 Cor 15:58]
8 "But when people keep on sinning, it shows they belong to the Devil, who has
been sinning (or has not stopped sinning) since the beginning. But the SON OF
GOD came to destroy these works of the Devil." [NLT]
To my Brothers and Sisters in Christ who are fellow soldiers, fighting the
Good Fight of Faith, who know their labor IS NOT IN VAIN.
I wasn't really sure what to call this message at first. On my notes I wrote
down the title: "Apostolic Saints: Ambassador's for Christ!" But to me it's
really the content that matters much more that what you label a thing. I
entitled this message "The Manifest Sons of God", because that's who we are in
Christ Jesus. The Greek word used to describe this spiritual "sonship" we
possess in Christ Jesus is "huios".
"Huios primarily signifies the relation of offspring to parent. It is often
used metaphorically of prominent moral characteristics. "It is used in the NT
of (a) male offspring, (b) legitimate, as opposed to illegitimate offspring,
(c) descendants, without reference to sex, (d) friends attending a wedding,
(e) those who enjoy certain privileges" (from Vine's Expository Dictionary
of Biblical Words)
(Copyright (C) 1985, Thomas Nelson Publishers)
As we are continually sanctified in Christ Jesus and increasing in holy
character and conduct, Romans 13:14 states that we are putting on the Lord
Jesus Christ, and making no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts (or
natural desires). The reason why sonship is being formed in us is ultimately
not so we can display marvelous works of power, but the purpose in having
sonship formed in us and putting on the character of the Lord Jesus Christ is
so that we may destroy "these works of the Devil" described in the beginning
of 1 John 3:8, which is the works of sin or the character of Satan. Even the
greatest power Jesus displayed was not merely for show, but to proclaim that
Jesus is the Supreme Authority so that trust can be placed in Him to redeem
them from the snares of sin and to take them off of the path of sin so that
they won't reach the destiny to which the life of sin leads. The wages of sin
to any man is still death, which ultimately leads to the death of eternal
separation from God and being tormented in the Lake of Fire, day and night,
forever and ever without end.
I believe that our destiny in this maturing process of having the completed
character of Jesus Christ continually formed in us is so that ultimately, the
works of sin will be eternally brought to an end. There is coming a closing of
this Age of the Mortal Church of Jesus Christ, and I believe that every act of
obedience, every newly understood truth, every true teaching and every true
proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ; whether a true teaching about
Apostles, Salvation, or any other known revelation of Scripture, is a step
closer to having the works of sin and the Devil eternally removed from this
Earth. This full removal will be completed at the end of the future millennial reign
of Christ, approximately one thousand years from now, give or take a generation.
God is going to close up the chapter of this Age of the Mortal Church with the
rapture of His Saints, and I believe every act of obedience brings us a step
closer to that Day. 2 Peter 3:12-13 says that we are not only LOOKING FOR, but
we are HASTENING (accelerating) THE COMING OF THE DAY OF GOD as each Saint
does their work in God's Kingdom, whatever the call may be.
In Ephesians 4:11-16, the Apostle Paul speaks about how we are arriving at
sonship when he says that, "HE IS THE ONE Who gave these Gifts to the Church:
the Apostles, the Prophets, the Evangelists, and the Pastors and Teachers.
Their responsibility is to EQUIP (arm) God's People TO DO His WORK and build
up the Church, the Body of Christ, until we become so united in our FAITH AND
KNOWLEDGE OF GOD'S SON (SONSHIP) that we will be mature (huios -- mature sons
conditionally & positionally, mature in the likeness and character of our
Father) and FULL GROWN in the Lord." Our Heavenly Father does not want us to
remain infants any more, He wants us to be "FULL GROWN in the Lord".
"MEASURING UP to the full stature of Christ."
The Greek word translated "stature" is "helikia" meaning "adult age". God
wants us to literally MEASURE UP TO THE FULL ADULT AGE OF CHRIST. Verse 14
goes on to say, "THEN we will no longer be like children." Sonship is being
produced and formed in us as we are being transformed into the image of His
Son. This process squeezes out immaturity in faith, character, knowledge and
conduct until we measure up to the full adult age of a Christlike man. Verse
15 goes on to say, that instead of being children, "we will hold to the truth
in Love, becoming more and more in every way like Christ...Under His
direction, the whole Body is fitted together perfectly. As each part does its
own SPECIAL WORK, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is
healthy and growing and full of Love."
The end result of sonship being formed in us is that the Body of Christ
becomes FULL OF LOVE!!!
prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD. And he
will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the
children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse."
We know that the beginning of the fulfillment of Malachi 4:5-6 began in the
life of the Prophet, John the Baptist. Jesus said in Matthew 17:11-13, "Indeed,
Elijah is coming first and will restore all things. But I say to you that
Elijah has come already, and they did not know him but did to him whatever
they wished. Likewise, the Son of Man is also about to suffer at their hands.
Then the disciples understood that He spoke to them of John the Baptist." But
the process of the hearts of the fathers being turned to the children, and the
process of the hearts of the children being turned to their fathers, is an on-
going process as clearly revealed in the relationships that the Apostle Paul
had with other men of God.
In 1 Timothy 1:2 the Apostle Paul declares Timothy to be "a true son in the
In Philippians 2:22 Paul says concerning Timothy, "You know his proven
character, that as a son with his father he served with me in the gospel."
In 1 Corinthians 4:17 Timothy is Paul's "beloved and faithful son" who was
faithful in teaching the ways of his spiritual father as Paul had taught in
the Churches everywhere.
In 1 Timothy 1:18 Paul committed charges (gave orders) to Timothy as a father
to a son.
In Titus 1:4, Paul refers to Titus as "a true son" with "common faith". A
spiritual son is to share a common faith with their spiritual fathers.
In Philemon 1:10 Paul appeals to Philemon for his son Onesimus who was
begotten (won over to sonship) to the Apostle Paul while he was in chains
suffering for the Gospel. The word "begotten" comes from the Greek word
"gennao", which is a term used of a men who has fathered children. Onesimus
was not just made a believer in Jesus Christ, but Onesimus was literally won
over to the Apostle Paul's way of living. This process of fathering goes
beyond leading someone to and instructing them in Christ. A man can
biologically make a child and give the child instructions or advice (that may
not be followed), but Paul's begetting of Onesimus refers to a father who
lives as such an example before their children that the whole heart of the
individual has been won over to their way and example of living in Christ, so
much that he bonded himself to Paul in the faith as Timothy was to Paul,
becoming bonded servants together in the Gospel as a son with his father.
A father and son relationship in the Gospel goes far beyond what is meant by
the term "mentoring". To call my father my mentor would have little intimate
feelings for me. We don't cry out to God "Mentor, Mentor." We cry out to Him,
"Abba, Father." While a spiritual father is to never take the place of our
relationship with our Heavenly Father, our relationship to our spiritual
fathers should reflect the love of our relationship with Him.
A mentor in Webster's Dictionary is defined as "a trusted counselor or guide:
a tutor; a coach." Paul reveals the more intimate relationship that he had
with those who were considered his spiritual children in the following passage
of Scripture:
1 Cor 4:15
15 For though you might have ten thousand instructors (counselors, guides,
tutors, mentors) in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers; for in Christ
Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel.
If we want curses to be removed off of this generation, we must get back, as a
Body, to the spiritual father to children relationships that God has ordained
through Scripture. We must press beyond mentoring to caring for our sons and
daughters in the faith as our very own children. We must consider those in
leadership not as political figures in the church structure, but rather as
spiritual mothers and fathers in Christ bound by love to instruct and lead us
by example in such a way so as to present us holy and safe in Christ Jesus.
"Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful
day of the LORD. And he will turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts
of the children to their fathers, lest I come and strike the earth with a curse." [Mal. 4:5-6]
Sincerely yours in Christ,
Brother Randy Muse |
See also: Apostolic Fathering: "This Happened to Me!"
And "Apostolic Sons and Daughters in the Endtimes"
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