These books & others by Dr. Bill Hamon may be purchased on-line:

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Prophetic Destiny & the Apostolic Reformation

Preview to the Book, Apostles, Prophets & the Coming Moves of God

copyright 1996 by Dr. Bill Hamon, 121 pages

These two books are written from a more prophetic stance compared to the works of the other authors. Some of the revelation came through a personal vision. Most of the pertinent scriptures are placed in Apostles, Prophets, & the Coming Moves of God in order to make the preview version compact.

A major theme contained here is--the length of time involved between the calling of the leader and the commissioning of the leader, especially in the case of the apostle.

The author illustrates reformational/restorational movements "then" and now. This pattern indicates that we are on the edge of several more progressive moves of God described within the two volumes.

Dr. Hamon upholds the opinion that the New Testament prophet and apostle rank equivalently in authority within church structure. believes the Bible implies that the apostles have the final authority under Jesus in the New Testament church.

Apostles, Prophets, & the Coming Moves of God

copyright 1997 by Dr. Bill Hamon, 299 pages


  • Why a Book about Apostles
  • What Is Happening Now?
  • Biblical perspectives of the Ministry of Apostle
  • Apostles and Church Doctrine
  • Apostles & Prophets and Fivefold Ministries
  • Calling vs. Commissioning of Apostles or Prophets
  • God's Desire and Purpose for Establishing His Church
  • The Prophetic Movement and What it Restored
  • The Special Ministries of Apostles and Prophets
  • The Calling and Ministries of Fivefold Ministers
  • Divine Progressive Preparation for the Apostolic Movement
  • Extremes in the Restoration of Truth
  • Apostolic Movement and its Potential Extremes
  • The Last Day Ministry of Apostles and Prophets
  • The Coming Moves of God
  • The Saints Movement
  • Army of the Lord and Eternal Judgment
  • The Kingdom Establishing Movement
  • "Even so, Come, Lord Jesus!"

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