Christian Science(See also: Scientology--an other cult) "The Strange World of Christian Science"by Fred Grigg WHAT CHRISTIAN SCIENCE BELIEVES AND TEACHES ABOUT:
Like Christians, the Christian Scientists believe that God is good, that He is spirit and that He
desires the best for His people. But they deny His personal character. The founder of Christian
Science (which is neither Christian, nor scientific!), Mary Baker Eddy, says "Life, truth and love
constitute the triune person called God". (SCIENCE AND HEALTH, p. 331).
Christian Scientists differentiate between the names "Jesus" and "Christ". To them Jesus is not God: again the
founder says, "Jesus is the name of the man who more than all other men, has presented Christ,
the divine idea of God". (SCIENCE AND HEALTH, p437).
"The second appearing of Jesus is unquestionably the spiritual advent of the advancing idea of
God, as in Christian Science". (RETROSPECTION AND INTROSPECTION by Mary Baker
Eddy, p. 70).
Christian Scientists believe that Jesus' promise to his disciples that he would send "a helper" (the
Holy Spirit) refers specifically to Christian Science.
All of these are unreal products of our imagination. "Man is incapable of sin, sickness and death"
(SCIENCE AND HEALTH, p. 475), continuing, "The body cannot die because matter has no life
to surrender".
Christian Scientists' views on healing are not consistent. They will go to the dentist or the
optician, or to the doctor for a broken leg, or into hospital for an appendectomy!
However, Mary Baker Eddy herself used drugs on many occasions during the last 10 years of her
The Lord Jesus' death did absolutely nothing to save men from the consequences of their sin.
Denying basic Christian teachings establishes beyond doubt that Christian Science is neither Christian, nor scientific. |
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