Apostolic Ministry:
Questions and Answers
Apostles & Missionaries Defined by Randall A. Muse
Dear Pastor,
I have been meaning to give more detailed explanations to my beliefs, as well as more detailed
answers to your questions concerning my definition of an Apostle. But first of all I would like to
thank the Lord Jesus Christ, and you Pastor, for having and acting on the vision to build a
platform of discussion to Glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, and to edify His Saints, through this much
needed mailing list. I pray more people will have greater vision and determination to advance the
Gospel of our Precious Savior, In Jesus' Mighty Name, Amen.
First of all I would like to start out by saying, that I consider these discussions we are having, not
as arguments nor as attacks upon one another, but rather as the Book of Proverbs records:
Prov 27:17
17 As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.
1 Cor 12:28-30
28 And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers,
after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. 29 Are all
apostles? Are all prophets? Are all teachers? Are all workers of miracles? 30 Do all have gifts of
healings? Do all speak with tongues? Do all interpret?
1. The first point which I would like to address concerning a comment you made in your letter
published August 30, 1997 (Re: Apostolic Doctrine) is this, "Once again may I point out there is
no such thing in the New Testament as a 'doctrine of apostles'". I want you to know that I did not
make these words up, but got them straight from the New Testament:
Acts 2:42
42 And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of
bread, and in prayers.
2. In the second paragraph of this article you said, "I do point out that an apostle is a 'sent one'
and the name 'missionary' denotes the same function."
While I do agree that apostles and missionaries do have similar functions, I will point out why I
believe they do not have the same functions.
According to Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, a missionary is defined as, 1: "relating
to, engaged in, or devoted to missions"; 2: "a person undertaking a mission and especially a
religious mission";. A mission is defined as, 1: "the act or instance of sending"; 2a: "a ministry
commissioned by a religious organization to propagate its faith or carry on humanitarian work".
According to Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary, an apostle is defined as, 1: "one sent on
a mission as: (a)one of an authoritative New Testament group sent out to preach the gospel and
made up especially of Christ's 12 original disciples and Paul, (b) the first prominent Christian
missionary to a region or group."; 2: "one who initiates a great moral reform or who first
advocates an important belief or system."; 3: "the highest ecclesiastical official in some church
I think is it is quite clear from these definitions that there are some similarities in the word apostle
and missionary, but it is equally true that an apostle stands out as being more authoritative, not as
a dictator, but as an officer of God's Army. Not once in the definition of a missionary or mission is
there mentioned any authoritative office being held or implied by either word, but this is not the
case in the definition of an apostle.
The Bible says that we are all ministers of reconciliation, sent by God to reconcile the World to
Himself. In Luke 10:3, Jesus said, "Behold, I send you forth as lambs among wolves." The Greek
word used for 'send' is 'apostelloo', meaning that His Lambs are SENT ONES among wolves.
Does this make us all apostles? You are confusing the definition of the word apostle with the
meaning of the word that distinguishes the office of an apostle. The word apostle serves several
purposes. It was used to simply imply that one was being sent on a specific assignment (as used in
Luke 10:3), but it was also used to define an officer of the Church, and make no mistake about it,
nobody misunderstood the authority that the office of an apostle represented. As in the case of
Ananias and Sapphira, its authority even brought with it the sentence of death to the one who lied
to the Holy Spirit (see Acts 5:1-11). Or are passages like these best left out of the New Testament
and our discussions?
While I do not agree with Mormon practices, even they distinguish the difference between
apostles and missionaries. The Mormon Church has 12 apostles residing in their Government, but
all Mormons are required to complete missionary assignments. Does this make all Mormons
apostles? And does this make all apostles Mormon since the Mormons complete missionary
assignment? Are the words apostle and Mormon synonymous terms since they both are active in
missionary assignments at least in some part of their lives?
As a father of 4 children, part of my assignment as a father is to shepherd my family, as they are
God's sheep. I am obligated to lead them to green pastures or a local assembly where the Word of
God is both practiced and preached. But even though I perform functions similar to a shepherd
(protecting my family from the evil of this world through the example of Christ I live, and through
prayer; to protect them from the devouring wolves of life designed by Satan to lead them away
from serving God and murder their souls), does this qualify me to obtain the office of a Shepherd
or Pastor in the local assembly? Because I am leading and protecting my natural children as God's
sheep, does that make me the office of a Pastor because I am shepherding their souls as their
father? In the same way, not all who function like Apostles are Apostles.
In 2 Timothy 4:5, the Apostle Paul charged Timothy to "...do the work of an evangelist to
discharge all the duties of his ministry." Does this mean that because Timothy did the works of an
evangelist that he held the office of an evangelist. If I pass out Bible tracts on the street, does that
qualify me to hold the 5-fold office of an evangelist also? And if we all do the work of ministering
to others for the salvation of their souls, are we all Evangelists too?
We are all missionaries and the world is our mission field. We are citizens of Heaven, sent ones of
God, but we are not all holders of the office of the Apostle. Acts 5:12 defines part of the function
of an Apostle is to have "signs and wonders" following their ministry, otherwise known as "the
signs of an Apostle" (2 Cor. 12:12). The signs of an apostle I have heard of, but tell me, what are
the signs of a missionary that they should be qualified as equal to the signs of an apostle, that is if
you are still implying equality in their ministerial authority?
(Note: ministerial authority has nothing to do with ministerial IMPORTANCE! Please do not
confuse the two.)
Eph 2:19-20
19 So then you are no longer strangers and aliens, but you are fellow citizens with the saints, and
are of God's household, 20 having been built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
Christ Jesus Himself being the corner{stone} (NAS)
Ephesians 2:20 defines the office of the apostle as a foundational ministry Gift equal to that of a
Prophet. Do all missionaries that you term "apostles" qualify to be equal in gifting to the
foundational ministry of a Prophet? (Please note that I am not here denying that any of those you
mentioned are genuine in their gifts whether they are apostles or not.) It is obvious that
missionaries and Prophets possess 2 different classes of ministerial function though both are
equally as valuable to Christ. But while Prophets and missionaries are two different classes of
ministerial function, the apostles are here pictured on the same level of ministry as prophets.
3. The third point I want to note in your writing is this: you wrote, "In the calling to be a
missionary (or in your case an 'apostle') or pastor several aspects play a role: A personal
revelation or sense of calling and the recognition of a Christian body, a church board, or a whole
congregation, or a national church board etc. etc. etc." On this point I agree and the church I
attend practices these very things.
Apostolic Ministry (Part 2)
Apostles & Missionaries Defined by Randall A. Muse
4. Pastor: When you write: "A pastor is an overseer of sheep, instituted by apostles," you cannot
make this a hard rule, or teach it to be a firm established principle in the New Testament, for Paul
gives glory to the Holy Spirit that He appointed leaders in churches, Acts 20:28."
My reply: Apostles institute (to establish in a position or office) not by their own authority, but by
the authority given to them by the Holy Spirit. Apostles are men appointed by God who
cooperate with the Holy Spirit and are co-laborers with Him. As in the incidents of Scripture
recorded in 1 Timothy 4:14 and Titus 1:5, Timothy's Gift was given to him "by prophecy with the
laying on of hands of the presbytery (or eldership)", and Titus was appointed by Paul to ordain
elders in every city (and this was a commandment from Paul to Titus). So we have learned that
when the Eldership cooperates with the Holy Spirit they are able to impart spiritual gifts to others
through prophecy and the laying on of hands, and we also learn from this that the Holy Spirit uses
men like Paul to appoint men like Titus to ordain Elders or Overseers (as described in Acts
20:28). So it is not men or the Holy Spirit alone appointing leaders in churches, but rather men
and the Holy Spirit cooperating together to establish and set in place the leadership of the Body of
Christ. Notice also, that not only does the apostle have the authority to appoint leadership in
cooperation with the Holy Spirit, but he also possesses the authority to appoint others (Titus) to
ordain leaders in the local assemblies. And I'll bet that most local assemblies don't practice laying
hands on others and prophesying over them to impart spiritual gifts like they should also, as the
elders did to Timothy. Imagine if Timothy would have never have had that impartation through
the laying on of hands and the prophetic ministry taking place in that local assembly!
5. In another part you wrote: "Timothy was a church leader, is not named an apostle, and he was
instructed to train others, 2 Tim 2:2, so also Titus, another disciple of Paul, was instructed to
appoint men in churches to be elders, Titus 1:5."
If you will notice, neither Timothy or Titus were acting on their own authority, but were
ministering in submission to the leadership of the Apostle Paul. This does not make Paul a
According to 1 Thess. 2:6 Paul states, "nor did we seek glory from men...though WE might have
made demands as APOSTLES of Christ." The WE that Paul is referring to, who are Apostles of
Christ, are the ones who are writing the letter, whose names are mentioned in 1 Thess. 1:1 (Paul,
Silvanus, and Timothy). Traditionally Timothy is referred to as a Pastor, but according to these
passages of Scripture, Paul calls his spiritual son an Apostle of Christ.
6. Pastor: "Those who emphasize today the 'fivefold' ministry as the answer for all the
weaknesses in the church I point also to 1 Corinthians 12:29 (?), where we find nine ministries."
Reply: I agree, the 5 Fold are not the answer to all the weaknesses, but they are called to be the
chief equippers of the saints to enable them to do the work of building each other up in love,
according to Eph. 4:11-12.
7. Pastor : "The church will function properly and efficiently when all members serve out of love
for Christ and his church with their individual abilities and gifts."
Reply: I agree that the Church will function properly, etc., but this will never be achieved without
Governmental order in the Body of Christ. Sheep cannot reject the leadership of 5-Fold Ministry
Gifts, like Pastors, and go out and equip themselves, rebelling against God's commandment to
assemble with the rest of the Church, and expect maximum results. God wouldn't have appointed
men to be Pastors if Sheep could reach maximum potential in their giftings and abilities without
them. Besides that, sheep don't have the same level of anointing that Pastors do to protect
themselves from wolves. Pastors, like shepherds in the natural, are equipped with abilities to
protect that sheep don't have.
8. Pastor: "...nowhere is it stated that somebody who is an apostle has all authority over others and
over churches."
Reply: Everyone has individual authority over their own life that can only be willingly submitted
to the order that Christ has established. Not even Christ Himself has authority to force others to
attend Church and obey His Word. You have confused my understanding of submission to mean
dictatorship. Is God a dictator over you as you submit to Him and resist or stand against the Devil?
Will you ordain Elders in your Church who do not submit to the practices of a holy life? And if
you require that others submit to an example of a life of holiness in order to be appointed a leader,
does that make you a dictator over your leadership under you?
9. Pastor Ruiter: "If there are apostles today, I have this question: Who checks them and has
authority to correct them?"
Reply: Most of the Apostles I know have been ordained by an Eldership (have ministries and
character that are approved by their mentors) and are pastoring churches of their own, and have
met the legal obligations of the non-profit organization laws of the U. S., and are established legal
entities ... probably not much different than your own. The Apostle I am most familiar with holds
meetings with his eldership and he openly allows them to discuss their likes and dislikes, and areas
they think he is missing it. I have even discussed doctrinal differences with him, and he received
my teaching on a particular issue that I believe that he was not entirely correct. Not only that, but
these apostles submit to other apostles and even other pastors and ministry leaders. They all love
each other enough to correct one another, and they even hold conferences at each other's
churches. They are also mature enough to receive correction from others without egos and pride.
1 Pet 5:5
5 Likewise you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Yes, all of you be submissive to
one another, and be clothed with humility, for God resists the proud, but gives grace to the
10. Pastor: "I do not know in which church body you operate..."
Reply: I was born-again and immediately began attending a Pentecostal Church that taught not
only the spiritual gifts, but also that the 5-Fold ministry, including the apostles and prophets, are
in effect today. I have been studying on the apostle's ministry for the last 8 years and I am
currently an overseer of over 19 church assemblies overseas. This is all being done
with approval of my spiritual father and pastor, the Apostle Emil Cedeno. In fact, I still
work full time at a secular job so that according to 1 Cor. 9:18-19, "That in my preaching I may
make the Gospel free of charge, not making full use of my right in the Gospel, for though I am
free from all men, I have made myself a slave to all, that I might win the more." I do not make my
living by the Gospel because I would rather "endure anything rather than put an obstacle in the
way of the gospel of Christ." (1 Cor. 9:12) Many today accuse Christians of being an organization
of money collectors, but I am proving by my example that I preach the Gospel for Christ and not
for financial gain.
11. Pastor: "Do you hold a similar view in your 'doctrine of Apostles' are they (perhaps in your
denomination or movement) above the church, local or national or international?"
Reply: We are not above the Church, local, national or international, but are servants of the Body
of Christ. We are part of the Bride of Christ and the Blood-bought Church. The work of true
apostles brings love and unity to the entire Body of Christ, something that is very lacking in these
days. In underdeveloped nations, more churches and ministries are bonding together and coming into
Covenant Relationship with one another, to help advance the Gospel, and other ministries are also
aiding in the distribution of FREE Bibles, Christian Literature, and clothing for the poor.
Locally, my Pastor works in aiding the restoration of other Pastors who are spiritually burned out
or emotionally beat up from ministry. Other ministries desire to come under his leadership. A true
Apostle would never even suggest that you must submit to them. We are simply teachers of God's
Word, and it is His Word that you must obey or reject, not us. Besides, it is God who chooses
who your apostle and spiritual father should be. When apostles come into covenant relationship
with other ministers willingly desiring to come under their leadership, it is not to be ruled by an
apostle, but rather to receive the benefit that the gift of apostle can produce. If you'll notice in
"The Doctrine of the Apostles", I emphasized the benefits and the power available to the Saints,
and that is the goal of a true apostle's heart. Not to lead others, so much as to cause them to
Triumph in Christ.
Apostolic Ministry (Part 3)
Dear Pastor Assam and all of Blood of Jesus Ministries, and to all the other Saints of
God as well,
In my spirit I sense great feeling that God is Excited about what He is doing for you in our
ministry and Covenant Relationship together. I just feel in my spirit man that God has something
to say to you today, through my spirit. I want you all to know that my thoughts are with you
Today I wanted to write to you a little more about the apostle's ministry, but even more, I want to
explain to you a little about what it means to be an Apostolic People. I am reading a book entitled
THE GIFT OF APOSTLE, by David Cannistraci. He is a co-Pastor of Evangel Christian
Fellowship. His uncle in the natural is his apostle and spiritual father. I want you to know that I
found and bought this book in a local Christian book store. That means that God is answering our
prayers to cause the apostle's ministry to more mightily advance here in America. This book that I
am reading introduces those who doubt the present reality of the apostle's ministry for today, to
really examine if their beliefs are scriptural or not. He begins to give a Biblical account of the
apostle's ministry, and begins to explain why the apostle's ministry is so vital today. In fact, I want
to share with you, that if the apostle's ministry is not fully restored, then Jesus' return will not be
possible. The Bible says that God has set Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers,
to PERFECT the Saints and to equip them for the work of the ministry. If the apostle's ministry is
not fully restored to the Body of Christ, then the Saints cannot be fully equipped. How can they
be fully equipped by the apostles if the apostles are not fully restored and are not fully accepted?
The apostle is the sending of God's Spirit or the sent Nature of God to the life of the Believer.
Galatians 4:6 says that YOU ARE GOD'S SONS BECAUSE God has sent forth the Spirit of His
Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" The Greek word used to describe the words SENT
FORTH is the word "EXAPOSTELLO", which means to send forth. We know that Hebrews 3:1
states that Jesus is the Apostle and High Priest of our confession. In other words, when Jesus was
sent forth into our hearts when we accepted Him as Savior and Lord, the Apostle (Sent-forth
One) came to live within us. God EXAPOSTELLOED the Spirit of His Son (the Apostle and
High Priest) INTO OUR HEARTS. While not every believer is an apostle, every believer does
have apostolic ability to overcome the Devil because Jesus the Apostle LIVES INSIDE OF
We all know that the Word of God says that He will pour out His Spirit upon all flesh or people of
every nation, in these last days. Well, God's restoration of the apostle's ministry is actually the
beginning of Him finishing all His work through the Body of Christ, on this Earth, in our present
mortal condition. The rising of the apostles is manifest proof that the Spirit is being poured out in
a greater measure, and He is causing the greater gifts to arise and to be more mightily manifest for
the benefit of God's people, so that this generation of believers can receive the fullness of their
apostolic anointing. The apostolic anointing is not an anointing that makes everyone an apostle,
but rather it is the apostolic anointing that more mightily manifests in every believer's life to
destroy greater yokes of bondage. This is why God has SENT or apostled me to you, so that you
can all have a greater portion of the apostolic anointing by me sending forth the spirit of my
apostleship to you, to enable you to remain faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ, especially under
great attacks of the enemy.
God sent the Apostle Jesus Christ to DESTROY THE WORKS OF THE DEVIL! This is why I
have said that the sub-title of our ministry is INTERNATIONAL WARRIORS OF FAITH,
because you are apostolic people, which means that you are not afraid to war against the Devil
and the Kingdom of Darkness. In times past, they used to send gladiators into an arena to fight to
the death, and spiritual warfare is the same now. You are either going to defeat Satan, or he is
going to defeat you! If you lose, and allow him to conquer your soul in sin, then he will destroy
you into eternal death. But if you remain righteous under his attacks, then you will not be harmed
by the Lake of Fire, which is the second death (Revelations 2:11; 20:14). God is pouring out His Spirit to
you today, brothers and sisters, in these last days. God is pouring out His Spirit through the
apostles, to those who will believe and take heed and LISTEN to their ministries. Those who
reject the apostles are really rejecting the One who sent them and made them apostles. Those who
reject the apostles, reject the Spirit of the Apostle who is the Lord Jesus Christ Himself.
In his book, David Cannistraci gives a great definition of apostolic people: "apostolic people are
Christians who support and participate in apostolic ministry, but are not actual apostles
(themselves). Apostolic people are people who work with apostles to reach the lost through
dynamic outreach, church planting, and nurturing (for maturity). Apostolic churches are churches
VARYING FORMS OF Apostolic MINISTRY. The apostolic movement is the Holy Spirit's
The Apostle Emil Cedeno said that an Apostolic SPIRIT IS A SPIRIT OF WARFARE AND
STRENGTH. A Spirit of strength means they have supernatural power to withstand attacks, to
persevere and endure, until they overcome the enemy. Samson had an apostolic anointing and was
able to kill a thousand men.
Judges 15:14-16
14As he approached Lehi, the Philistines came toward him shouting. The Spirit of the LORD
came upon him in power. The ropes on his arms became like charred flax, and the bindings
dropped from his hands. 15Finding a fresh jawbone of a donkey, he grabbed it and struck down a
thousand men. 16Then Samson said, "With a donkey's jawbone I have made donkeys of them.
With a donkey's jawbone I have killed a thousand men."
Judges 14:5-6 5Samson went down to Timnah together with his father and mother. As they
approached the vineyards of Timnah, suddenly a young lion came roaring toward him. 6The Spirit
of the LORD came upon him in power so that he tore the lion apart with his bare hands as he
might have torn a young goat. But he told neither his father nor his mother what he had done.
An apostolic movement is a placing or a strong establishing of the apostle's ministry. When the
Lord Jesus Christ first Established the apostle's ministry in the Book of Acts, the New Testament
Church was birthed at Pentecost with great signs and wonders, and thousands of souls were
added to the Lord daily!
The whole Church or the whole Body of Christ must recognize the apostle's ministry AND
ACCEPT IT! The Church must respond with Faith to the apostle's ministry AND WORK WITH
IT in order for its fullest potential and benefit for the Body of Christ to be realized and manifested
to God's People. The apostles are not gifts for the glory of the individual, they are not gifts to
themselves, but the apostles are gifts to God's people. Like any other Christian, they must die to
themselves so that God can get all the glory in demonstrating His resurrection POWER mightily
on their behalf.
Dear and precious Brothers and Sisters, GOD HAS CALLED YOU TO BE AN
apostolic PEOPLE, JUST LIKE IN THE BOOK OF ACTS. Consider the example of Stephen,
WHO WAS NOT AN APOSTLE, but he demonstrated apostolic POWER because he was
submitted to the apostle's ministry. In Acts 6:5 Stephen was appointed a deacon or servant who
worked with the apostle's ministry. In verse 6 the apostles prayed and laid their hands on them,
and in verse 8 Stephen was full of Grace and POWER AND DID GREAT WONDERS AND
MIRACULOUS SIGNS AMONG THE PEOPLE. Another example is Philip. He was appointed
and prayed for with Stephen and in Acts 8:6-8 Philip did miracles AND A WHOLE CITY
ERUPTED IN JOY!!! And Philip wasn't even an Apostle, but he was part of God's apostolic
people because he and Stephen worked together with the apostles to fulfill the vision of the local
Church, under the direction and leadership of the apostles, who were submitted to the Lordship of
Jesus Christ.
Even if you are not called into the office of an apostle, ALL OF YOU STILL HAVE AN
you to fulfill this call as an apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ.
IN JESUS' MIGHTY NAME, AMEN! My spirit and the Spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ will keep
those who are faithful to fulfill this call.
Apostolic MINISTRY (Part 4)
I am surprised today that many so called Christians are turned away from the Bible and have
established their own doctrine by saying among themselves that apostles are no longer for today.
If apostles are no longer for today, who then is the Apostle and High Priest of our confession,
according to Hebrews 3:1?
Hebrews 3:1 states plainly that TODAY, RIGHT NOW, JESUS IS AN APOSTLE. He is just as
much an active Apostle in the Body of Christ today as He is our High Priest TODAY. Dear
Brothers and Sisters of God, I was hoping at this time to give you a greater revelation of the
apostle's ministry, but the Holy Spirit will not at this time permit me. The reason He will not
permit me is that so much unbelief towards the apostle's ministry in the Body of Christ still exists
today. So, the doctrine of the apostles that I will establish today will be pure milk
straight from the Spirit and written Word of God.
I have already shown by Scripture that Jesus is an active Apostle of the Body of Christ today. It
also stands to reason that the apostle's ministry did not die when all the original apostles of the
Bible were put to rest in the Lord.
In the last of these Last Days, God is restoring the fullness of the apostle's ministry to His Body,
even as it is recorded in the Book of Acts. There is one particular reason why the Church is not
living in the same manifestation of the Holy Spirit the original Church had. It is that we are not
living under the same Divine Authority and the proper Divine Order of the apostolic ministry.
When I say apostolic ministry, let me explain to you exactly what I mean. I am not referring to
any denomination; or any other religious sect, creed, or persuasion devised by any man or group
of men. When I say apostolic ministry, I am referring to living people of God who are
alive today. These living people are genuinely called and equipped by the Spirit of God
to operate in and perform all the necessary qualifying functions of the office of an apostle.
The main reason we are not operating under the same Divine Authority of the Early New
Testament Church is all too obvious. Chiefly, we do not recognize the same authorities that God
has placed in the Church that the Early New Testament believers did. While the Early New
Testament Church put their faith and trust in the ministry of the apostles FIRST, many of us have
not placed any faith in the ministry of the living apostles at all. They recognized the office of the
apostle as the highest ranking office and the first established by Jesus Christ Himself, while many
today do not recognize offices higher than the evangelist or pastor. Many believe that apostles and
prophets today as a part of the Body of Christ are only alive through Scripture. I strongly agree
that the spirit and message of the apostles and prophets do live through the Scriptures today. I
also believe that today, through the POWER of the Spirit of God, apostles and prophets as people
called into the ministry TODAY are alive to us even more. Aren't men more alive than books? Is
the Bible the Temple of the Living God, or are men? We both admit and agree that we are the
Temple of God and not books. How then can you say that the Spirit of God can no longer Gift
men today as Prophets and Apostles? Have the Gifts and Callings of God changed?
Webster's Dictionary accurately defines an Apostle as "the highest ecclesiastical official". Not
only were Apostles appointed FIRST by Christ, but throughout the New Testament Scriptures
their Higher Ecclesiastical Order is more firmly established by their superior works. Throughout
the New Testament there are no Pastors or any other Elders or any other leadership that is named
in rank above the apostles. The apostles cause the authority of the other 5-Fold Ministry Gifts to
become complete. Without the apostles, the other 5-Fold Ministers will never achieve maximum
fulfillment, and neither will the charisma gifts (gifts of healings, etc.). Without the full restoration
of the apostle's ministry, all other gifts will not reach maximum use or fulfillment.
Apostolic BOLDNESS
"'Now Lord, look on their threats, and grant to your servants that with all boldness they may
speak Your Word by stretching out Your hand to heal, and that signs and wonders may be done
through the Name of Your Holy Servant Jesus.' And when they had prayed, the place where they
were assembled together was shaken; and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, and they spoke
the Word of God with boldness." -Acts 4:29-31
When the saints of God operate under the administration of the apostles, an apostolic boldness
will come upon all God's servants to preach the Word more boldly. This boldness will also be
strengthened because of the greater increase of the manifestation of healings and signs and
wonders under the administration of the apostles. Prophets will prophesy in greater dimensions.
Evangelists will evangelize in greater dimensions. Pastors will feed and protect their Flock with
greater dimensions of authority. Teachers will protect the sheep from false doctrine, false
teachers, and will educate the sheep to prevent the Antichrist's manifestations of spiritual
experiences in greater dimensions also, under the administration of the apostles.
"Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul (under apostolic
leadership); neither did anyone say that any of the things he possessed was his own, but they had
all things in common. AND WITH GREAT POWER THE APOSTLES gave witness to the
resurrection of the Lord Jesus. AND GREAT GRACE WAS UPON THEM ALL (under
apostolic leadership). Nor was there anyone among them who lacked; for all who were possessors
of lands or houses sold them, and brought the proceeds of the things that were sold, and laid them
at the apostle's feet; and they distributed to each as anyone had need." -Acts 4:32-35
Under the administration of the apostles, the finances of the Body of Christ are going to abound in
the prophets and apostles are fully restored in the Body, the Body's dimension of financial
prosperity will be limited. The prosperity of the saint's will not extend beyond the administrative
and governmental authority of the 3-Fold ability and boundaries of blessing of the evangelists,
pastors, and teachers. This is because without the apostles and prophets they are equipped with
the 3-fold ability to restore finances and the 3-fold ability to teach prosperity to the saints of God.
Under the rule of the apostles, embezzlement, robbery, and mismanagement of the funds of the
saints will no longer be tolerated, and judgment will be met swiftly according to Acts 5:1-11!
Broken vows will not be tolerated in these Last Days. Remember Ananias and Sapphira!
Apostolic MINISTRY (Part 5)
Apostolic HEALINGS
"And through the hands of the apostles many signs and wonders were done among the people.
AND THEY WERE ALL WITH ONE ACCORD (under apostolic leadership) in Solomon's
Porch. Yet none of the rest dared join them, but the people esteemed them highly. (Under
apostolic leadership, people who do not want to whole heartedly serve God will not enter as goats
to pollute the sheep fold.) And believers were increasingly added to the Lord, crowds of both men
and women, so that they brought the sick out into the streets and laid them on beds and couches,
that at least the shadow of Peter passing by might fall on some of them. Also a crowd gathered
FROM THE SURROUNDING CITIES to Jerusalem, bringing sick people and those who were
tormented by unclean spirits, AND THEY WERE ALL HEALED!" -Acts 5:12-16
In these Last Days, full apostolic order and administration will cover the apostolic and Divine gifts
of healings, to the point where every member of the Body of Christ will be healed. The FULL
believer's authority will also be manifested under the administration and oversight of the apostles.
The Body of Christ's apostolic ability to lay hands on the sick and see the sick instantly healed,
demons cast out, and the dead raised is going to be a reality again. Instant healings are going to
occur through the elders of the Church! There will be a full apostolic activation of the elder's
ordinance of anointing the sick with oil in every local assembly, according to James 5:14-16.
Apostolic ORDER
"And they continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread,
and in prayers. THEN fear came upon EVERY SOUL, and many wonders and signs were done
through the apostles." -Acts 2:42-43
When the Bible here refers to "the apostle's doctrine" or teaching, it is not here referring to
pastors and evangelists teaching about what the apostles wrote in the Bible. When the Early
Church continued steadfastly or strongly heeded the teachings of the apostles, the rest of the
5-fold ministry not only came from, but remained in complete submission to the apostles. The
entire Body of Christ is to continue steadfastly and strongly heed the teachings and doctrine of the
apostles. This was not something the Early Church did casually, but fervently and regularly they
were taught by and continued to fellowship with the apostles, praying with them also. There is no
place in Scripture where the Bible says that this practice of the Early Church is to cease.
Until the prophets and apostles are fully restored, the Body of Christ is only continuing steadfastly
under the doctrine or teaching of evangelists, pastors, and teachers. We will see a mighty
outpouring of God's Love and Spirit when His prophets, evangelists, pastors, and teachers all
abide under the doctrine and fellowship of the apostles. This great love includes apostles
submitting to each other's authority and working in agreement both spiritually and doctrinally, so
that every individual of the entire Body of Christ can be clothed with the greatest authority the
world has ever seen. This will occur when the entire Body of Christ willingly submits again
to the authority of the apostles. Only then will the entire Body of Christ throughout the whole
world see the Greatest OUTBREAK of apostolic signs and wonders (miracles and great works of
amazement) the world has ever known. Every pastor, teacher, evangelist, and prophet needs to
come under the governmental rule of an apostle. Then the whole Body of Christ will be in
complete submission to the Divine Order of God, as established BY GOD in the Early New
Testament Church. This example of submission will cause us to resist and stand strongly against
the Devil to do the same works the Body of Christ did in the days of the Book of Acts.
Faithful is He Who called us, Who also will do it. May His Grace richly abound in your life to
enable you to PERFECTLY OBEY and fit into this Plan of His!
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