Books by Apostle John Eckhardt, Crusaders MinistriesP.O. Box 7211 , Chicago IL 60680 (312) 637-212150 Truths Concerning Apostolic Ministrycopyright 1994, published by Crusaders Ministries, 54 pages Apostle Eckhardt's books are short and concise. If you are just discovering the realm of five-fold ministry, these books are a source of quick indoctrination. His writing style expends no idle rhetoric, and is scripture-intense, and gets right to the point. For this reason, these three books, and especially 50 Truths ... make excellent study guides for teaching on the apostolic. If you have a tight time budget (who doesn't?) this publication is a blessing; each chapter is about one page---Read 2 pages in the morning and 2 at night, and you will have completed it in less than 2 weeks; But you'll probably want to read it all at once, the moment you get a hold of it. We have incorporated these truths & others along with the respective supportive scriptures in the webdoc, "Traits of Apostles: Recognizing the Genuine & the Counterfeit" which is five pages when printed (for non-profit purposes). The Ministry Anointing of the ApostleCopyright 1993, published by Crusaders Ministries, 46 pages "There have always been men who have ministered under the mantle of the Apostle throughout the history of the Church, but the Lord is restoring this office in such a way that you will see many raised up in the last days to minister as apostles." [J. Eckhardt] One of the first volumes still in print on the subject, this book traces the restoration of the apostle back through history relating the pioneer efforts of the first protestant reformers to the modern day apostolic movement. Whether or not each reformer meets all the criteria of the office of apostle, we can nevertheless learn from the past, applying it to the present in order to gain a greater knowledge of the apostolic mantle in action. TOPICS: Restoration of the Apostle; Apostolic Reformers; Spirit of Judgment; Spiritual
Pioneers; Apostolic Authority
The Apostolic Church:God's Endtime Plan And Purpose For The Last DaysCopyright 1996, published by Crusaders Ministries, 68 pages --My favorite of the three books, although the choice is hard to make. Whereas 50 Truths ... lists
traits of the apostle, here are presented the characteristics of the church he founds. We learn how
the apostolic church should function, by examining the various first century local churches. Each
church exhibits a unique strength along with the basic essentials. Old Testament types foreshadow
the apostolic realm as observed in the functions of the Mosaic & Davidic tabernacles, Solomon's
temple, and the lives of Joseph, Nehemiah, and Hezekiah (among others).
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