35 Proofs of the Existence of God
from the book, Proofs of God's Existence
by Richard Wurmbrand
- The cosmologic argument, or the argument from effect to cause. Every building is proof of
the existence of a master builder or an architect. The cosmos is this building.
- The argument from the existence of the notion of God in our minds. We do not have in our
minds any concept that is not a true or deformed reflection of reality. If God had never been
perceived, the notion could not have penetrated and anchored so tenaciously in the human
- The teleologic argument. All things in this world tend toward a purpose--the embryo in the
womb, the seeds, the solar system, symbiosis (complementary activities) between unrelated
- The historic argument. Earliest archeological records have shown the existence of religious
belief. In history there is a natural selection of ideas. What is unfit is discarded. The persistence
of the notion of God despite millenniums of social change proves its value.
- The moral argument. If only the smartest and physically fittest survive, how is it that love and
meekness, and mercy survive? How is it that there is a conscience?
- The argument from movement. Perpetual motion is impossible. Everything in the universe is
in constant motion. There must be an agent which started and maintains the movement.
- The argument from prophecies. The Bible presents long-term detailed time foretelling of
events, most of which have been fulfilled, esp. concerning the birth, life, crucifixion, and
resurrection of Jesus Christ. The unfulfilled prophecies deal with the end of the world and the
return of the Lord Jesus Christ to this planet.
- The argument from thought at its highest level. In times of great emotion or danger when
all the mental powers of man are concentrated thoughts turn toward God.
- The argument from the existence of the function of faith. The existence of a sense organ is
proof that there exists the reality to be perceived through this organ. Man has the organ of
faith in metaphysical realities. It could have never been developed and retained if there were
not the reality perceived through it.
- The argument from the bias of the human mind. We can test every thought except the
thought with which we test. We cannot rely on our fallible minds alone. We are doomed to
error without a higher revelation. Atheism has no revelation from higher spheres and therefore
is not reliable. Christianity has a higher revelation telling us that God exists.
- The argument from the fact of contingency. Everything changeable and transitory is
contingent. Things appear and disappear. It can be and also can not be. Consequently, it must
have a cause outside of itself. A world of contingency presupposes a supreme being who exists
necessarily, who could NOT "NOT be", who has no cause outside of Himself. He is without
dependency. He can not cease to exist. Existence is His nature.
- The argument from the laws of nature. It is inconceivable that laws should exist without a
lawgiver and law enforcer. Science discovers these laws; it does not create them.
- The argument from exceptions to the laws of nature. Water is the only element which gets
larger when it freezes, making ice lighter than water, thereby preserving aquatic life. All
combinations of hydrogen are poisonous except water, which is essential for life. This is the
handiwork of God.
- The argument from miracles. There are documented medical records of instantaneous
supernatural healing. A miracle is the temporary suspension of the laws of nature.
- The argument from the expansion of the universe. Scientists know the rate of expansion of
the universe. By calculating backwards in time they can come to the point of departure. The
expansion of the universe is proof of the existence of God who determined its beginning.
- The argument from the 2nd law of thermodynamics. In a closed system matter can only
progress from order to randomness, chaos, anarchy. If our universe had been in existence from
eternity past, it would be in chaos. The universe is orderly only because it proceeds from a God
of order.
- The argument from the existence of genes. The lack of information and intelligence in acids
(DNA) cannot communicate to genes how to develop intelligence in humans or instinct in
animals. Genes are proof of a Creator.
- The argument from the existence of radioactive elements. By losing electrons, radioactive
elements pass from stage to stage until they are degraded to the point where they become lead.
Scientists know how long it takes for one element to change to the next in the order of
filiation, eventually becoming lead. If the universe existed from eternity or billions of years,
there would be no radioactive elements. We live in a created, relatively young universe.
- The argument from the existence of black holes. Black holes are collapsing stars (absorbing
light and energy) where the laws of matter and time are no longer valid. At the border between
the point where light is reflected and where it is absorbed is timelessness or eternity. This
defies the atheist belief that the only reality is our space-time continuum.
- The argument from the gradation found in all things. There are things that are good,
better, and best. The best of all is God.
- The metaphysical argument of Anselm of Canterbury. When you say God does not exist,
you mean the Being such that a greater cannot be conceived. But He must have existence,
otherwise a greater could be conceived. Since God is perfect and all powerful, what could
cause Him not to exist? If God is conceivable, His nonexistence is inconceivable.
- The argument from the composition of all entities in nature. Everything composed
services something other than itself. The composed thing proves the existence of the
- The witness of the best exemplars of mankind. Contrast the witness of the lives of the 12
disciples (almost all were martyred) to the atheists. The atheists' witnesses are the greatest
criminals of the human race: Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev, Tito, Mao Tse-Tung, and Karl
Marx, among others. What impartial judge would have any difficulty deciding for the existence
of God when one has to choose between these two groups of witnesses.
- The witness of men of science. http://www.icr.org
- The proof from great art. We're all aware of the great religious motifs in paintings,
sculptures, and musical masterpieces. Has even one great work been inspired by the denial of
- The witness of farmers. Atheism is the child of city-dwellers who are enclosed within walls
and perceive the universe through grimy windowpanes. They do not see the universe as it
really is. Farmers who live in close communion with nature know it best. They are not atheists,
because they know it can only be understood as the creation of God.
- The witness of animals. Professor Dr. James Gould from Princeton University put a dish with
syrup at a distance from a honeycomb. After the bees discovered the syrup, he moved the dish
1.25 times the distance from the honeycomb in comparison with the first time. At the third
experiment, the distance was 1.25 times as big as at the second and so on, until the dish arrived
to be 900 meters away from the honeycomb. But when Prof. Gould arrived in this place, he
had a surprise: the bees had been there before him and had waited for the syrup. The bees
knew that the distance increases each time with a factor of 1.25, and had calculated where the
dish would be next. Some animal abilities are without explanation, unless God thinks for them.
- The proof from the satisfaction of our needs. For all basic human needs there exists a reality
apart from men. Reality always corresponds to our fundamental needs. Our desire for
happiness so far exceeds our experiences that it is inconceivable that there is not a God to meet
our hope for a future paradise.
- The proof from artificial satellites. Our satellites, though requiring intricate calculations and
complex instruments, have short endurance. Yet they are amazing achievements. Could they
have simply happened without designers. The earth is a satellite, yet during all of its years it
has never deviated or been sucked into the sun. God has chartered and maintained the paths of
the celestial bodies.
- The proof from automated industry. Behind automation exists the engineer who conceived
it and calculated it. During the operation there is a worker in command. The universe appears
to function automatically, but don't be deceived. Its builder and maker is God.
- The proof from answered prayers. Prayers made in impossible situations when all seemed
lost, humanly speaking, have been answered, sometimes in remarkable ways. If not so, prayer
would have long ago become extinct along with many superstitions that have vanished.
Fulfilled prayers are proof of a Divine Listener.
- The argument from the need for an eternal mind. The mind organizes the impressions it
receives daily through the senses and creates out of them a universe. The mind puts all the
events it perceives through the senses into the categories of quantity, quality, causality,
modality, and finality. When there was no human mind, where was the universe? There must
have always have been a mind to conceive the universe. This eternal mind is God.
- The proof from the existence of evil. For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction.
The existence of suffering proves the existence of sin, which in turn proves the existence of
justice, goodness, righteousness, and godliness. Try to prove that a child has no father by the
fact that his father spanked him.
- The argument from one's faith. As one advances toward Truth in his thought processes, his
inner doubts begin to disappear. As a man becomes more like Jesus, he knows his faith to be
real. As a man lives out the Book of Proverbs, his life confirms his knowledge of God.
- The argument from the impossibility of proving the contrary. Unless a person has been
everywhere; and has seen, heard, smelt, tasted, and felt everything; and has lived forever; that
person cannot prove that there is no God. This means that atheism can never be proved.
Information about Richard Wurmbrand: http://www.persecution.com