See also: Looking for the Lost Mormon Golden Plates 10 False Prophecies of Joseph Smith1. He prophesied that Jesus would return in 1890. 2. He prophesied that his son would follow him as head of the L.D.S. church. It didn't happen. His son left the church and started a new reformed Mormon church. 3. Joseph Smith prophesied that if his son left the church his son would die an early death. His son lived to be 82. Joseph Smith lived to be 39. 4. He prophesied that the bank he started in Kirkland, Ohio, would swallow up all banks. It failed in 1837. 5. He prophesied that Independence, Missouri, was Zion, and the Mormons would possess it forever. They were driven out of Independence. They eventually settled in Utah. 6. He prophesied that there were men on the moon who have a life-span of 1000 years. (There is almost no oxygen on the moon.) We're still searching. 7. He prophesied that Elder Anson Call would assist in building cities in the U.S. coast to coast. He [Anson] stayed in Millard County, Utah, and did not assist in building cities in any other county or state. 8. He prophesied that Elder W. W. Phelps would be alive at the return of Jesus. Mr. Phelps died in March 7, 1872, in Salt Lake City, UT. 9. He saw a vision of 12 of his elders in the 'celestial' heaven. Seven of them later were excommunicated or declared to be apostate. According to Mormon doctrine, these seven cannot be in the 'celestial' heaven. 10. a. He prophesied, "I shall triumph over all my enemies, for the Lord God hath spoken it." He died at the hands of his enemies. 10. b. He prophesied just a month before his death that he had done a greater work than Jesus Christ, because the disciples of Jesus deserted Jesus, but he [Joseph Smith] had held the L.D.S. church together fifteen years. Evidently the Lord didn't appreciate this prophecy: On June 27, 1844, Joseph Smith died of gunshot wounds while attempting to escape from jail in Carthage, IL, where he had been imprisoned for arson. With a smuggled revolver, he shot three men before he died. [Matt. 26:52] - "All they that take the sword shall perish with the sword." [Deut. 18:20] - "But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die." |
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